Ticket-to-Play Sessions for Spring 2025 Sports
1.       Friday, February 21, 2025 at 4:00pm until 5:00pm (CANCELED DUE TO NO SCHOOL)
2. Â Â Â Â Â Monday, February 24, 2025 at 4:00pm until 6:00pm
3. Â Â Â Â Ticket-to-Play will also be before each day of tryouts
**The Ticket-to-Play session will be held in the cafeteria on Monday, February 24. Please park in the bus parking lot and enter from through the back entrance.**
                                                 Tryout dates are listed below
All students wanting to try-out for Spring sports needs a new ticket-to-play. If you tried out for a fall or winter sport, you do not have to submit any additional forms as long as all forms are not expired and not in red on Dragonfly.
Things you will need to do in order to receive a Ticket-to-Play:
Go to Githens Athletics website at https://www.dpsathleticzone.com/githens/
1)  Complete online registration for Dragonfly account by clicking Athlete Registration Link at the top of the screen (blue banner) and follow the directions.
2)   Turn in a hard copy of Physical Examination, Medical Eligibility forms and all other forms not uploaded to Dragonfly account.
3) Attend a Ticket-To-Play Session to turn in hard copies of forms and get everything checked by Coach Stackhouse.
4) Once your Dragonfly Profile is Green and 100% complete you will receive a ticket-to-play and be cleared to attend tryouts.
Email Coach Stackhouse with any questions at Shlisa.Stackhouse@dpsnc.netÂ
Spring Sports TryoutsÂ
- Â February 26, February 27 and February 28
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Coach Collin’s classroom on the 6th grade hallway (C1)
- Â Pick up in Githens bus parking lot, entrance at 3791 SW Durham Drive
Girls Soccer
- February 26, February 27 and February 28
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Coach McElroy’s classroom in the media center
- Pick up in Githens bus parking lot, entrance at 3791 SW Durham Drive
- February 26, February 27 and February 28
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Coach Then’s classroom (gym)
- Pick up in Githens teachers parking lot
Track & Field
- March 3, March 4 and March 5
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Mr. Arnstein’s classroom on the 8th grade hallway (A5)Â
- Pick up in Githens bus parking lot, entrance at 3791 SW Durham Drive
Boys Tennis
- March 3, March 4 and March 5
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Mrs. Stackhouse’s classroom on the 8th grade hallway (A7)
- Pick up at Garrett Road Park (across from Jordan High School), 6815 Garrett Road, Durham, NC
Boys Lacrosse
- Boys lacrosse is in need of a head and assistant coach.
- Tentative dates – March 3, March 4 and March 5
- 3:45 – 5:45pm
- Meet in Mrs. Stackhouse’s classroom on the 8th grade hallway (A7)
- Pick up in Githens bus parking lot, entrance at 3791 SW Durham Drive

4800 Old Chapel Hill Road
Durham, NC 27707
Phone:Â 919-560-3966
Athletic Director
Shlisa Stackhouse
Phone: 919.560.2000 EXT: 66445